Can I cancel my package?

Classic Escapes provides a 7-day change of mind guarantee for our hotels, packages, and Luxury Tours, allowing guests to cancel for a full refund, provided that the cancellation is made no less than 45 days prior to the check-in date. Outside of this guarantee and non-refundable rates offered at the time of booking, our packages are non-refundable. Some of our exclusive luxury brand collections are subject to individual terms and conditions dependent on the rate you have purchased. Flights are subjected to the airline's terms and conditions immediately after booking.You can check your cancellation policy at the time of booking and the same will appear in the confirmation email sent to you after we receive the booking deposit.

Travel Insurance

If you are unable to travel on your selected dates, we would hope that your travel insurance will be able to help. We can provide you with a letter of cancellation to assist in this process.

Date Change

If you need to amend your booking, please contact our 24/7 customer support team for the possibilities.

Name Change

We may be able to offer a complimentary name change on the booking, if you have a friend or family member who is able to travel. For assistance with one of these alternative options, please contact our 24/7 customer support team.

Can I cancel my package?

We work directly with our partners to enable as much flexibility as possible. Date change options that may be available include:

  • • You are able to cancel your Luxury Tour Package experience up to 7 days prior to your booking, please contact our 24/7 customer support team. Cancellations are not permitted for any Luxury Tours booked and confirmed to travel 45 days prior to travel from the date of booking and or non-refundable rates confirmed at the time of booking.
  • • If there is any refund applicable for the cancellation, this can either be refunded via the same method used to make the payment or hold the amount as a credit towards your next holiday.

Note that both of these options are subject to availability and seasonal surcharges. Any change to booking dates is subject to and must be made in accordance with ourTerms and Conditions.Date changes are not permitted on the Non-refundable fare purchased at the time of booking.

Name Change

You are able to cancel your Luxury Tour Package experience up to 7 days prior to your booking, please contact our 24/7 customer support team. Cancellations are not permitted for any Luxury Tours booked and confirmed to travel 45 days prior to travel from the date of booking and or non-refundable rates confirmed at the time of booking.

If there is any refund applicable for the cancellation, this can either be refunded via the same method used to make the payment or hold the amount as a credit towards your next holiday.

Why can't I change my booking online if there are flights attached?

Each airline has their own policies and change/cancellation fees, so you’ll need assistance from our flights team to amend your booking.

We will get in touch with you regarding your flights for those affected by COVID-19, but we are prioritising based on departure date, focusing on those travelling within the next 14 days – so if your trip is more than a fortnight away, you may not have heard from us yet. If the above information doesn't resolve your query, please contact our 24/7 customer support team.

I need to change my flights.

We can help! Note that there are additional charges that are due. Typical costs include the airline’s change fee, Classic Escapes change fee, plus any fare and tax difference between your original fare and your new fare. The fees will depend on the fare you have purchased –1 cheaper fares are normally more expensive to change, while higher fares and generally less costly to make changes. We recommend that if you do need to change your flights, you do so as soon as possible. Some airlines do not allow changes within 72 hours of departure. If you also need to change your hotel booking, please advise us at the time.

Can I transfer a package to someone else's name?

We can change the Primary Contact Name for our accommodation packages. Please contact our Support Team, who can assist you with your enquiry! Note that name changes are not permitted for flights.

Do I need to select my travel dates straight away?

When you are selecting a Tour Package from any of our Luxury Tour Collections, you can choose dates right away or opt to ‘Buy now, choose dates later’ and select your dates when you’re ready.

  • • Note that travel dates are required to purchase flights.
  • • For all other booking types (Hotel Only or Flights + Hotel), you’ll need to select travel dates when you book the holiday.
I made an error when booking my flights

If you made a name error when you booked, this must be fixed prior to check-in, or you may be denied boarding. Please contact us immediately for assistance – ideally on the same day of booking.Please note that for name and date amendments, fees will apply.Name changes are not permitted, only name corrections.

Note also that first and middle names that appear joined without a space or a hyphen are not a problem – airlines omit these characters in bookings. There is no need to check this with us, only spelling errors may cause problems.

For example: Mr John Paul Smith will appear as SMITH/JOHNPAUL, MR Miss Peggy-Lou Smith-Johnson will appear as SMITHJOHNSON/PEGGYLOU MISS

If you made a date error when booking please contact us as soon as possible, again ideally on the same day. Fees will likely apply to change your dates.

I need to cancel my flights

Please contact us as soon as possible for assistance. Note that there are charges that will be deducted from your possible refund. These include, but are not limited to, the airline’s cancellation fee (which is dependent on the fare you have purchased) and Classic Escapes’s cancellation fee. These are disclosed and accepted at the time of booking/ Cancellation.

We recommend that if you do need to cancel your flights, you do so as soon as possible.Refunds can take up to 12 months to be refunded to Classic Escapes by the airline, however are typically between 8 to 12 weeks. As soon as we receive your funds, we will process the refund back to the original method of payment.

Can I add extra nights to my hotel package?

Our Exclusive Tour Packages are heavily negotiated to give you the best rate, but unfortunately the length and inclusions aren’t always flexible. You can combine two or more of our packages to increase your length of stay. Alternatively you may consider upgrading your length on a single package to use the extra night as early check-in or late check-out. For example:

  • • Guests prefer for six nights package, but we only have a three and a five night package
  • • Purchase two three night packages for six nights in total.
  • • Guests prefer for four nights package, but we only have a three and a five night package
  • • Option 1: Purchase the five night package, and use the extra night as early check-in, as their flight arrives at 9am, and regular check-in isn’t until 2pm –that way they get an extra breakfast each!
  • • Option 2: Purchase the three night package, and book an extra night with the hotel directly.

if you are booking flights, you can change the arrival and departure dates manually when searching on our monthly calendar. If you would like advice or assistance with this, contact us for more information.

Are there any fees for booking with Classic Escapes?

Classic Escapes do not charge any fees including credit card fees for booking hotels, tours, cruises, experiences,insurance or flights with any full-service airline. Note that we do charge a fee to book flights with Low Cost Airlines; These are per booking, not per person. even Note that with our fee, we are often the cheapest option.

Date change - If you choose to change your booking, Classic Escapes will charge a fee in addition to any applicable airline fees and fare/tax difference due. Please note not all fares are able to be cancelled or changed. However, where such fares are able to be cancelled or changed you will be charged as follows.Note changes to the names of passengers are not able to be made except to correct a mistake.

Cancellation - If your booking permits a refund, Classic Escapes will charge a fee in addition to any applicable airline fees. Please note not all fares are able to be cancelled or changed. However, where such fares are able to be cancelled or changed you will be charged as follows.

Can I change the travel dates on my package?

We work directly with our partners to enable as much flexibility as possible.Date change options that may be available include:

  • • A date change to another alternative date that is available in the booking calendar. Note that usually date changes can be made up to 21 days before check-in but this is subject to the date change policy of the deal you have purchased.
  • • Put your escape on hold until you're ready to decide on your travel dates.

We work directly with our partners to enable as much flexibility as possible.Date change options that may be available include:

I’m still waiting for my flights refund - why is it taking so long?

If we’ve processed a flight refund for you it may take up to 12 months, and in some cases longer, for funds to be returned to the original payment source. This is due to the airline terms and conditions and their refund processing time – these delays are the responsibility of the airline concerned and unfortunately beyond our control. Rest assured that we will process your refund immediately as we receive your funds from the airline. The following timeframes can be used as a guide for refunds. Please note, circumstances beyond Luxury Escapes' control may affect these estimates.

  • • Qantas – 04 to 06 months, Jetstar – 02 to 04 months, Virgin – 04 to 06 months,
    • • Qantas – 04 to 06 months

    • • Jetstar – 02 to 04 months

    • • Virgin – 04 to 06 months

    • • Singapore Airlines – 04 to 06 months

    • • Air New Zealand – 04 to 06 months

    • • Cathay Pacific – 04 to 06 months

    • • Vietnam Airlines – Over 24 months

    • • Emirates – 04 to 06 months

    • • Fiji Airways – 18 to 24 months

    • • Garuda – 15 to 20 months

    • • Malaysian Airlines – 10 to 12 months

    • • Malindo – Over 18 to 24 months

    • • Sri Lankan – 18 to 24 months

    • • Thai Airways – Over 24 months

    Why book your flights with Classic Escapes?

    We offer great fares with airlines all over the globe, and we don’t charge any credit card fees. With Classic Escapes, you can always be sure you’re getting a great price. We can also assist with more complicated itineraries that are not available online – just give us a call.

    If something goes wrong before you depart or while you’re away, you can rely on Classic Escapes to assist you with any flight disruptions or changes. Our experienced team are available to assist 24/7, every day of the year.

    What details do I need to book flights?

    To book flights, we require the following information:

    • • Title (E.g.: Miss, Ms., Mrs., Mr., Dr)

    • • First Name (as it appears in passport for international travel or photo ID for Domestic flights)

    • • Middle Name (only mandatory if shown in passport)

    • • Last Name (as it appears in passport for international travel or photo ID for Domestic flights)

    • • Date of Birth

    • • Gender

    • • Email address

    • • Best contact number (mobile)

    • • Postcode / Zipcode

    Does the '7 Day Change of Mind Guarantee' apply to all packages?

    Our 7-Day Change of Mind Guarantee only applies to our exclusive Hotel Only offers, allowing guests to cancel for a full refund, provided that the cancellation is made no less than 21 days prior to the check-in date. Bookings are subject to individual terms and conditions dependent on the rate you purchased. Please check your booking confirmation for more information

    Outside of this guarantee, our packages are non-refundable. For Tours, please make sure you check the conditions of your tour as this is only applicable either 90 or 60 days prior to your departure date. Flights are subject to the airline's terms and conditions immediately after booking.

    How do I add my flight details for my tour booking?

    Once we have confirmed your tour and you have booked your flights, you can add your flight details to your booking the same way you completed your traveller details. Contact our support team and provide the flight details and we will get it updated with our suppliers and travel partners.

    For Trusted Partner tours

    Your tour operator will advise on your booking confirmation email how they would like you to supply your flight details. If you are unsure, please email your tour operator. Their contact information can be found on your booking confirmation email.

    Can I upgrade my tour's included flights to business class?

    Yes, you can. However this depends on the tour, so you will need to contact our support team for more information on if this is possible and for a quote.

    Why can't I change my booking online if there are flights attached?

    Each airline has their own policies and change/cancellation fees, so you’ll need assistance from our flights team to amend your booking. We will get in touch with you regarding your flights for those affected by COVID-19, but we are prioritising based on departure date, focusing on those travelling within the next 14 days – so if your trip is more than a fortnight away, you may not have heard from us yet. If the above information doesn't resolve your query, please click the 'Contact Support' tab below with your request and our Support Team can assist you further!

    I need to change my flights.

    Each airline has their own policies and change/cancellation fees, so you’ll need assistance from our flights team to amend your booking. We will get in touch with you regarding your flights for those affected by COVID-19, but we are prioritising based on departure date, focusing on those travelling within the next 14 days – so if your trip is more than a fortnight away, you may not have heard from us yet. If the above information doesn't resolve your query, please click the 'Contact Support' tab below with your request and our Support Team can assist you further!

    We recommend that if you do need to change your flights, you do so as soon as possible.Some airlines do not allow changes within 72 hours of departure.If you also need to change your hotel booking, please advise us at the time.

    Can I transfer a package to someone else's name?

    We can change the Primary Contact Name for our accommodation packages. Please click the 'Contact Support' tab below with your request and our Support Team can assist you with your enquiry! Note that name changes are not permitted for flights.

    Can I get a tax invoice for my purchase?

    Yes! Please click the 'Contact Support' tab below with your request and our Accounts Team can assist with creating your Invoice,

    My flight has been cancelled by the airline or impacted by border restrictions - can I request a refund?

    Depending on the airline’s current COVID-19 policy, your booking may be eligible for a refund. Contact our support team for more information.

    Where can I find my Booking ID?

    The booking ID is on your purchase confirmation email.

    It is your unique number for the package you have purchased and ensures that our partners can verify that your package is valid, and will normally be a combination of six letters and/or numbers, like A1B2C3.

    Note: your confirmation email is sent to the same email address you registered with. To check your registered email address.

    Didn’t receive your booking confirmation?Contact our 24/7 Support Team

    If you’re still having issues be sure to check your junk mail folder

    Note that flight reference numbers will be different from your booking ID, but will also be listed in your booking confirmation email, if you booked by us. Your flight reference number (or PNR Reference) will also be on your e-tickets, which are sent through via email within 7 days of booking, and has the same format as our booking IDs.

    I made an error when booking my flights

    If you made a name error when you booked, this must be fixed prior to check-in, or you may be denied boarding. Please contact us immediately for assistance – ideally on the same day of booking.Please note that for name and date amendments, fees will apply.Name changes are not permitted, only name corrections.

    Note also that first and middle names that appear joined without a space or a hyphen are not a problem – airlines omit these characters in bookings. There is no need to check this with us, only spelling errors may cause problems.

    For example: Mr John Paul Smith will appear as SMITH/JOHNPAUL MR Miss Peggy-Lou Smith-Johnson will appear as SMITHJOHNSON/PEGGYLOU MISS

    If you made a date error when booking please contact us as soon as possible, again ideally on the same day. Fees will likely apply to change your dates.

    What time should I be at the airport for check-in?

    Officially, for domestic flights, you should be at the airport at least 2 hours prior to departure. If you are travelling on a domestic flight that is connecting to an onward international flight, you need to check-in at least 3hours prior to departure. If you are checking in for an international departure, allow at least 3 hours, or up to 3.5 hours at certain high security or high-density airports.

    However, due to delays at airports associated with increased security as a result of COVID-19, we recommend allowing more time to check in. International check-in opens 3 hours before departure and closes 1 hour before departure.

    Domestic check-in opens 90 minutes before departure and closes 30 minutes before departure. Note that these times are intended as a guide only, and may differ by airline airport, and destination Where possible, we recommend checking in online to minimise your wait at the airport

    Where can I view my flight details?

    After booking, your travel documentation will be emailed to the email address you provided to Classic Escapes at the time of booking. This documentation will be sent within 3 days of booking in most cases. This document will have all details of your flight booking and is all that is required (in addition to your valid photo ID) to check in to your flight. You can also view your flights via your airline's website, using your booking reference.

    I need to cancel my flights

    Please contact us as soon as possible for assistance. Note that there are charges that will be deducted from your possible refund. These include, but are not limited to, the airline’s cancellation fee (which is dependent on the fare you have purchased) and Classic Escapes’s cancellation fee. These are disclosed and accepted at the time of booking. We recommend that if you do need to cancel your flights, you do so as soon as possible.Refunds can take up to 12 months to be refunded to Classic Escapes by the airline, however are typically between 8 to 12 weeks. As soon as we receive your funds, we will process the refund back to the original method of payment.

    What do I need to check in for my flight?

    When checking in, you will need to provide the check-in staff with your photo ID; a driver’s license, Passport or similar for domestic flights, and a valid passport for international flights. Note that in order to board your international flights, airlines require at least 6 months validity on your passport beyond your return date to India. Please note that you may also require a visa.

    When will I receive my flight tickets?

    We send out your travel documents as soon as possible. You will receive your booking summary and hotel voucher within a few minutes of purchase, and flight documentation will normally arrive in your inbox within 24 hours of purchase, though it may be up to 3 days. Note that you do not need to reconfirm your booking. You will check-in at the airport using the e-tickets we send you, at which point you will be given your boarding pass.

    What airlines can Luxury Escapes book?

    Classic Escapes books the majority of all airlines, including:

    • • Emirates

    • • Ethiad

    • • Qatar

    • • Indian Airlines

    • • Thai Airways

    • • Singapore Airlines

    How do I report something wrong while I'm travelling?

    We recommend that you speak to hotel management in the first instance, to see if there’s anything they can resolve or assist with. For Tours customers, your tour leader or on the ground emergency contact number provided in your departure document emails is your first point of contact while on tour for 24/7 assistance.

    What do I need to show when checking in to my hotel?

    You will need valid photo identification for each guest over 18, such as a passport or driver'slicence. Your booking confirmation is recommended but not strictly necessary, as the hotel/resort wil already have this information.

    What time should I be at the airport for check-in?

    Officially, for domestic flights, you should be at the airport at least 2 hours prior to departure. If you are travelling on a domestic flight that is connecting to an onward international flight, you need to check-in at least 3 hours prior to departure. If you are checking in for an international departure, allow at least 3 hours, or up to 3.5 hours at certain high security or high-density airports.

    However, due to delays at airports associated with increased security as a result of COVID-19, we recommend allowing more time to check in.

    International check-in opens 3 hours before departure and closes 1 hour before departure. Domestic check-in opens 90 minutes before departure and closes 30 minutes before departure. Note that these times are intended as a guide only, and may differ by airline, airport, and destination. Where possible, we recommend checking in online to minimise your wait at the airport

    Do I need to purchase experiences (Sightseeing and Local Excursions) at the same time as my hotel?

    No, you don’t! Upon arrival in your holiday destination, our local representative will advise you with all available sightseeing and excursions. This can be confirmed locally considering the duration of your stay and weather conditions. However, you are encouraged to purchase and confirm your dates sooner to guarantee availability. If you have purchased any of our Tour Package, all inclusions mentioned in your itinerary and confirmation email will be provided by our local representative.

    Can I purchase an experience (Sightseeing and Local Excursions) without buying a Hotel?

    You can only purchase an Experience that complements Hotel or Tour Package you’ve purchased. This is because we’ve specially curated relevant experiences based on you destination and package.

    What do I need to check in for my flight?

    When checking in, you will need to provide the check-in staff with your photo ID; a driver’s license, Passport or similar for domestic flights, and a valid passport for international flights. Note that in order to board your international flights, airlines require at least 6 months validity on your passport beyond your return date to India. Please note that you may also require a visa.